片山グループの3代目オーナー。1990年7月にエグゼクティブ・コーディネーターとしてアメリカ現地法人Katayama American Company, Inc.に入社。その後、ゼネラルマネージャー、バイスプレジデント、社長兼CEO、代表取締役などの職務を歴任。現在は片山ホールディングス株式会社、日本・アメリカ・メキシコの現地法人の代表取締役社長/CEO/取締役を務める。片山ホールディングス株式会社の単独株主。明治学院大学経済学部卒、ノートルダム大学で経営学修士号(MBA)を取得。
Masayuki Katayama is the third-generation owner of the Katayama Group and the sole shareholder of KHD. He has held various leadership positions within the company, including general manager, vice president, president and CEO, and representative director. Currently serving as President/CEO/Director of Katayama Holdings, Masayuki focuses on design, development, and manufacturing as the head of multiple Tier 1 automotive parts suppliers. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Meiji Gakuin University and an MBA from the University of Notre Dame.
2014年9月に片山工業に入社。電動アシスト付き三輪車事業「walking bicycle」の企画・開発やブランディングをはじめ新しいモビリティ、ヘルスケア、育児分野における新規事業の企画・開発・市場開拓を担う。現在は片山ホールディングス株式会社および片山工業株式会社の取締役を務める。代表取締役 片山 昌之の娘であり、15歳までアメリカ・ケンタッキー州で過ごす。国際基督教大学でメディア、コミュニケーション、文化専攻の学士号と日本研究副専攻を取得。
Arisa Katayama joined the Katayama Group in September 2014. She is focused on developing new businesses and cultivating markets in the fields of new mobility, health care, and childcare. Arisa, the daughter of Masayuki Katayama, is an American national who spent her formative years in Kentucky until the age of 15. She holds various leadership positions within the company, including creative and managing director of the 'walking bicycle club' and director of 'Katayama Holdings Co., Ltd.' and its subsidiary in Japan, 'Katayama Industries Co., Ltd.' Arisa earned her BA in Media, Communication and Culture with a minor in Japanese Studies from International Christian University.
Masao Inoue joined the Livestock Department of ITOCHU Corporation in April 1974, and has since held numerous leadership positions in the food industry, including president and managing director of major Japanese restaurant chains such as the Skylark Group, Mos Food Service Group, and Coco's Japan Co., Ltd. He currently serves as a director of Katayama Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary in Japan, Katayama Industries Co., Ltd. Masao earned his bachelor's degree in economics from Saitama University.
欧米系証券会社の米国本社および日本支社を経て、オリンパス・キャピタル・ホールディングス・アジアで日本及び東南アジアにおけるプライベート・エクイティ投資に従事。Intermediate Capital Group(ICG)及び野村ICGでメザニンおよびマイノリティエクイティ投資ファンドの代表取締役兼ポートフォリオマネージャーとして2020年2月まで勤務。 2020年2月に片山ホールディングス取締役兼CFO/CSO就任。 米国ケース・ウェスタン・リザーブ大学 Bachelor of Science in Accounting (magna cum laude)。米国ミシガン大学Executive MBA
Takayuki Nakazato has served as Vice President of Olympus Capital Asia, responsible for private equity investments in Japan and Southeast Asia. He has worked as an equity analyst at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse First Boston, covering automobiles and machinery. Takayuki joined Katayama Holdings Co., Ltd. in February 2020 as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer after serving as Representative Director and Portfolio Manager of Nomura ICG. He currently serves on the board of directors of Katayama Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries in Japan, the United States and Mexico. He holds a BS in Accounting with honors from Case Western Reserve University and an Executive MBA with distinctions from the University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor.