Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to people's wellbeing and the environment, in order to create a better world for everyone.
私たちはこれまで、ものづくりを基盤に成長し、技術力と関 わる人々の幸せを大切にしてまいりました。それらをベースに、人々のWellbeingの在り方と次世代へつなぐ地球環境に目を向け 、より良い世界の実現を目指します。
The Katayama Group has long been focused on people's wellbeing and environmental issues. We have always believed in the importance of technology for improving people's lives, and we will continue to do so in the future. We are committed to turning our attention to the global environment and developing technologies that benefit both people and the planet.
What is Wellbeing?
Wellbeing(ウェルビーイング)とは、心身の健康状態が良好で、社会的にも満たされた状態を意味する言葉です。2015年の国連サミットで採択された持続可能な開発目標(SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals)の目標3 「Good Health and Wellbeing(すべての人に健康と福祉を)」に含まれており、世界中で様々な取り組みが行われています。Wellbeingには5つの要素があり、キャリア、人間関係、経済、身体、地域社会、これらが満たされているかどうかが鍵となります。
Wellbeing refers to a state where both mental and physical health are in good condition, and one feels socially fulfilled. It is the focus of Goal 3, "Good Health and Wellbeing (Ensuring health and welfare for all)," of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015. Around the world, various initiatives are actively addressing this aspect. Wellbeing encompasses five key elements: career, relationships, finances, physical health, and community. Achieving a balance in these areas is essential for overall wellbeing.
キャリア の 幸 福
Career Wellbeing
仕事におけるキャリアだけに 限らず、自分の人生における 仕事・子育て・家事・趣味など、一日を多く費やしているものに幸せを感じるかどうかが重要です。
Your happiness is not solely determined by your career but also by how you spend the majority of your time, including work, child-rearing, housework, and hobbies. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to all aspects of your life to ensure overall happiness.
人 間 関 係 の 幸 福
Social Wellbeing
人間関係においてどれだけ 幸福をもたらす関係性を築けるかで決まります。量ではなく、信頼と愛情がある強い関係性があるかが重要です。
The amount of happiness in a relationship depends on the strength of the bond between two individuals. It's not about the quantity of time spent together, but rather the quality of the relationship based on trust and affection.
経 済 の 幸 福
Financial Wellbeing
Financial happiness refers to having the resources to achieve your goals and effectively managing your assets.
身 体 の 幸 福
Physical Wellbeing
Maintaining a healthy mind and body is essential. You can determine whether you are experiencing positive emotions in your daily life and work by assessing your mental and physical health.
地 域 社 会 の 幸 福
Community Wellbeing
Developing connections with the local community where you live, fostering relationships with people who are important to you, and building a sense of community within your workplace are all crucial for a fulfilling life.